Angel 2023

Here’s a “paper folding” inspired pattern!

Finished dimensions are approx. 95 x 22 cm. Stitched on linen canvas (8 threads/cm) with flora-cotton from fruzippe. DMC yarn can also be used.

Cross stitches are embroidered using two threads in the needle. Backstitches and contour stitches are embroidered using one thread in the needle.

The squared pattern is obtained by embroidering every other row with backstitches, and every other row with contour stitches.

Make rows of stitches and contour stitches at each end of the runner. The backstitches are pressed backwards, and the contour stitches forward. On linen canvas it is easy to do this using your fingers.


Angel 2021

Embroidered on linen canvas (8 threads per cm.), with full cross stitches and contour stitches.

Threads used:

  • 341 flora-cotton from fru zippe (or 310 from DMC)
  • E 168 SILVER from DMC

Finished size approx. 35 x 55 cm.

Optional: I have pulled threads out of the fabric to create a lace-like effect from edge to edge.

Angel 2020

Runner stitched using cross- and back-stitches on linen, 10 threads/cm. Size approx. 28 x 102 cm.

The pattern was created from a black and white sketch, using a PC. Some of the initial sketch lines were edited a bit, to make them better suited for back-stitches. The light grey stitches help to make the pattern more clear, and the blue stitches gives the pattern form. The dark silver stitches are added along the edges for more detail.

Angel 2015

Angel 2015.

The Angel of 2015 is pink with a red edge, and my inspiration for the pattern came from hasty brushwork with acrylic paint.
This years Angel comes with an accessory,- a Light Bag, where the star pattern is repeated i various red nuances.

Measurement of finished Angel Runner: 81 x 18 cm, sewn on a 10-thread linen.

Angel 2015 Pattern

Click to view pattern