Cross- and backstiched on linen (12 threads per centimeter).
DMC: 2222 = 310, //// = 535, ______ backstitches = 535
Danish Flowerthread: 2222 = 240, //// = 147, ______ backstitches = 147
Cross- and backstitched on linen (10 threads per centimeter).
DMC: xxxx = 834, aaaa = 3347, oooo = 367, ______ backstitches = 319
Danish Flowerthread: xxxx = 236, aaaa =100, oooo=238, ______ backstitches=210
DMC: xxxx = 834, ______ backstitches = 368
Danish Flowerthread: xxxx = 236, ______ backstitches = 224
Wedding II is composed of a small and a large pattern. The patterns can be stitched the way they’re shown, or they can be stitched without edges and in a single colour. The patterns can also be combined with the other version of Wedding, found on this web site.
Colour key (DMC):
A: 762, X: 310, B: 340, W: White, K: 368.
Colour key (Dansk Blomstergarn)
A: 20, X: 240, B: 230, W: 600, K: 10.